Family Guide to Preschool Special Education Services
A Family Guide to Preschool Special Education Services
GUÍA FAMILIAR DE LOS Servicios de Educación Especial para Preescolar
Family Guide to Special Education Services For School-Age Children
Family Guide to Special Education Services For School-Age Children
Special Education Learn at Home Resources
Family Training Videos
- Accepting No(Open external link) - Clear strategies to help your child learn how to accept no without tantrums.
- Requesting(Open external link) - Understanding how to request things reduces frustration and tantrums. This video will give you strategies to help your child learn to communicate their needs.
- Waiting(Open external link) - Clear steps to help your child understand and accept waiting.
- Problem Behavior(Open external link) - This video outlines clear strategies to help keep your child safe, productive, and happy.
More resources to support social-emotional learning can be found on the DOE’s health education page.
Ask and Share A tool for Families and Schools to Create a Student-Centered IEP-Elementary School
Ask and Share A Tool for Families and Schools to Create a Student-Centered IEP- Middle School
Parent University *NEW FEATURES*
EVENT: Parent University *NEW FEATURES*
Parent UniversityOpens in a new browser tab (parentu.schools.nycOpens in a new browser tab) is a course registration and management system where NYC families can find free trainings on a wide range of topics. Parent University serves all families, from early childhood through adulthood, and seeks to educate and empower them as partners and advocates through free courses, resources, events, and activities.
We currently offer 275+ pre-recorded, on-demand, and live, web-based courses and they cover a wide range of categories including:
Adult and Continuing Education
Early Childhood Education
For Parents, By Parents – NEW Category!
Fitness and many others
We also offer links to 65 websites on our Resources Tab.
For more information, including flyers in different languages, please visit the Office of Family and Community EmpowermentOpens in a new browser tab page on the DOE website.
To get started, watch this short video tutorialOpens in a new browser tab and learn how to create an account. Then, go to Opens in a new browser tab to log in and enroll in one of our upcoming NEW live, web-based courses!
We hope to see you on Parent UniversityOpens in a new browser tab!
Free Homework Help
Dial-A-Teacher All K-12 students and their parents or caregivers are invited to call Mondays through Thursdays between 4 and 7 p.m. to get free homework help from a licensed teacher.
Many of the teachers are bilingual, so Dial-A-Teacher can assist students and families in 10 languages, including
Armenian, Bengali, Chinese, English, French, Haitian-Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Tagalog.
Messy Handwriting
FREE Online Therapy for Teens in NYC
Panel for Educational Policy Meeting
To register for future Meetings:
Growing Up NYC
The Early Childhood Family Toolkit
Our favorite resources to keep kids learning, playing, and growing healthy
RESOURCES: Mental Health Resources & Information
Mental Health Impacts All of Us
Mental health impacts not only our students but our families, schools, and communities.
- One in five children struggle, or at some point in their life will struggle, with their mental health.
- Half of all mental-health and substance-use conditions start before age 14.
- Approximately one in five students who could benefit from additional mental-health supports does not get them.
Get Help Immediately - Text "WELL" to 65173, call 1-888-NYC-WELL (692-9355), or chat now
For more information on Mental Health Supports, visit the DOE’s website.
Special Education
Special Education
All students with disabilities who require special education services have Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). The IEP contains information about your child's interests, strengths, needs, goals, and educational program. It is a legal document that describes how the DOE will provide your child:
- A Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
- In the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).
Find Out More
The IEP Process
Starting the Process| Making a Referral| Evaluation| IEP Meeting | The IEP | Parent Members
Supports and Services
Assistive Technology | Behavior Supports |Related Services | Specialized Transportation | Other Special Education Services | Testing Accommodations | Extended School Year Services
School Settings
District Schools | Specialized Programs | District 75 | Other Educational Settings
Preschool to Age 21
Special Education in NYC | Moving to Preschool | Moving to Kindergarten | Students with Disabilities and Gifted and Talented | Moving to Middle School | Moving to High School | After High School
Talking About Disability | Your Rights | Getting Support | Impartial Hearings | Contacts and Resources| Special Education Glossary| Committees on Special Education| Resources for Staff and Providers
Building Accessibility
Learn how to find out about the accessibility of school buildings, how to request reasonable accommodations for a disability, and how to find information about making a complaint regarding discrimination.
Do you want to make connections or learn something new?
Parent University
Do you want to make connections or learn something new?
Parent University is a community where you can support one another and build relationships. And it is a network where you can build your own confidence, knowledge and skills, too. Join us!
Enroll in a course!
- Visit parentu.schools.nycOpens in a new browser tab
- Sign in with your NYC Schools Account or create a new account
- Choose a course from the Course Catalog tab
- Click Enroll
- Check your email for confirmation!
Spread the word! If you are interested in presenting Parent University to your community, visit the Train-the-Trainer Resource FolderOpens in a new browser tab for flyers, links to videos, an outline and script, FAQ, and Powerpoint presentation.
Share your feedback! We want to make Parent University helpful for all New York City families. Please send feedback and suggestions to in a new browser tab.
Bring a friend! Print this scheduleOpens in a new browser tab for the full list of upcoming workshops and events.
Parent UniversityOpens in a new browser tab seeks to educate and empower all families from early childhood through adulthood, with free courses, resources, events, and activities. Parents can register for free trainings on a wide range of topics, including adult education, student social-emotional learning, and special education.
Visit Parent University today at parent.schools.nycOpens in a new browser tab! Click on the links below to download the Parent University flyer in English and translated versions.
العربيةOpens in a new browser tab | বাংলা Opens in a new browser tab| 中文Opens in a new browser tab | EnglishOpens in a new browser tab | FrançaisOpens in a new browser tab | Kreyòl Opens in a new browser tab| 한국어Opens in a new browser tab | РyсскийOpens in a new browser tab | EspañolOpens in a new browser tab | اردOpens in a new browser tab

nyc-parent-university-register-flyer.pdfOpens in a new browser tab
In the United States, 1 in 5 people has a learning disability—like dyslexia and ADHD. Understood is dedicated to supporting and shaping the world for kids that learn and think differently. Throughout the month, we plan to spread awareness, educate, and provide useful resources and tools to help families at every stage of their journey.
Math Trouble: Conversation Starters to Use With Your Child's Teachers
Fourth-grade math: Why it's hard for kids
Patricia Warner, RDC
Executive Director
Preston Center of Compassion