Welcome to Mrs. Airhuoyo's Class K-013

Come Join our Remote Classroom

Join us in our K-012 Remote Classroom

  You can contact me anytime through my email. I will return your email as promptly as possible.


Visit the website at PS304X.com 


     Mrs. Airhuoyo





Monsters' Party By : Joy Cowley 



Block Center

We are being creative with the blocks.


Reading with pointer power!

We are learning how to use our super powers like a super reader!

We are now using pointer power, picture power, and reread power with our emergent reader story books.

Writing- Looking Closely

The students are writing .

When they write they are encouraged to label their pictures. It is ok if the child only writes the beginning and ending sounds.

Once your child has completed their writing, it is ok for your child to dictate what they wrote to you. You can write down  what your child says to you on a Post it  or another piece of paper and attach it to their writing.